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Návrh opatrení na zlepšenie pracovnej motivácie vo výrobnom procese vo vybranom podniku. [Bakalárska práca]

Bakalárska práca je zameraná na problematiku zlepšenia pracovnej motivácie vo výrobnom procese. Pri vypracovávaní teoretickej časti práce som potrebné informácie získaval predovšetkým zo študijnej literatúry ako aj z internetu[/COLOR]. V práci je zameraná pozornosť na vymedzenie a podstatu motivácie, ale tiež na motivačné teórie a problémy ktoré sa v procese motivovania môžu vyskytnúť.V praktickej časti sa práca zaoberá analýzou súčasného stavu motivácie zamestnancov v roľníckom družstve. Na základe výsledkov dotazníkového prieskumu sú odporúčané viaceré možnosti zlepšenia nedostatkov v terajšej motivácii zamestnancov. Návrhy boli vypracované na základe teoretických znalostí získaných počas zostavovania tejto práce. Táto práca by mala priniesť po aplikovaní návrhov zlepšenie motivácie v roľníckom družstve.
Naposledy upravil lukia19 : 27.05.08 at 16:06
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  • Každý móže napísať len 1 odpoveď. Neskor mozete svoju odpoveď vylepšiť.
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  • Odpoveď má byť viac o faktoch ako o názoroch.
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    Ak potrebujete v otázke niečo upresniť, najskôr sa spýtajte na podrobnosti.
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    Ak máte podobnú otázku, založte Novú otázku alebo Súvisiacu otázku.
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    moze to byt takto?

    Proposal of recommendations for the improvement of employees‘ motivation during the manufacturing process of my chosen organisation. [Bachelor Thesis]-
    key words: motivation, motive, motivation system, analysis

    The batchelor‘s thesis presented discusses the area for improvement of the emploees‘ motivation during manufacturing process. Whilst working on my theoretical studies I gathered important information mainly from recommended literature and internet sites as well. I have focused my attention on the definition and the abstract side of motivation, which includes theories of motivation and problems occurring during the process of motivation. My practical study analysis the current level of the employees‘ motivation at the farm(?). I have, therefore, made my recommendations on the basis of results aquired from my questionnaire asking how to improve the current level of motivation of the employees. My recommendations are made on the basis of theoretical knowledge gained during work on this thesis. My thesis provides recommendation to improve employees‘ motivation at the farm (druzstvo?).

    Chobot je teraz online Chobot

    lukia19 Pozri príspevok
    moze to byt takto?

    Proposal of recommendations for the improvement of employees‘ motivation during the manufacturing process of my chosen organisation. [Bachelor Thesis]-
    key words: motivation, motive, motivation system, analysis

    The batchelor‘s thesis presented discusses the area for improvement of the emploees‘ motivation during manufacturing process. Whilst working on my theoretical studies I gathered important information mainly from recommended literature and internet sites as well. I have focused my attention on the definition and the abstract side of motivation, which includes theories of motivation and problems occurring during the process of motivation. My practical study analysis the current level of the employees‘ motivation at the farm(?). I have, therefore, made my recommendations on the basis of results aquired from my questionnaire asking how to improve the current level of motivation of the employees. My recommendations are made on the basis of theoretical knowledge gained during work on this thesis. My thesis provides recommendation to improve employees‘ motivation at the farm (druzstvo?).
    Trochu som sa na to pozrel, možno by som niektoré veci preložil inak, ale dá sa aj tak. Opravil som ti také veci, ktoré sa mne nepozdávali, resp. gramatické chyby.

    The presented bachelor‘s thesis discusses about the area for improvement of the employees‘ motivation during production process. For the theoretical part of the thesis I have gathered important information mainly from recommended literature and internet sites as well. I have focused my attention on the definition and on the substance of motivation as well asthe theories of motivation and problems occurring during the process of motivation. My practical study analysis the current level of the employees‘ motivation at the cooperative farm(?). Therefore I have made my recommendations based on the results acquired from my questionnaire asking how to improve the current level of motivation of the employees. My recommendations were made on the basis of theoretical knowledge gained during making this thesis. My thesis provides recommendations to improve employees‘ motivation at the cooperative farm.

    Chobot je teraz online Chobot

    lukia19 Pozri príspevok

    druzstvo je cooperative alebo cooperative farm?
    JA by som použil cooperative farm. Coperative je družstvo všeobecne.

    Porady, ktoré by vás mohli zaujímať

    Prihláste sa a sledujte len tie Porady, ktoré Vás zaujímajú.