


Dobry den, prosim Vas surne o radu...

Na viacero slovenskych portalov som umiestnil inzerat s tym istym vyrobkom.
Po case sa mi ozval nejaky "Amik" a ponukol mi mi za dany produkt az prehnane vela.
Poskytol som mu teda svoje cislo uctu a kod banky.
Dnes mi prisli dva potvrdzujuce maily od jeho on-line banky a mail od neho.
Vsetko vyzera byt OK, ale neverim tomu a bojim za ze je to podvod.

Mate s tym prosim Vas niekto skusenosti?

E-maily :

Do you still have this item for sale....? i will like to purchase this item from you for my son for $xxx.00 plus shipping through EMS to my son's address,i will be paying you through my bank account, if you still have the item pls let me know and you send mne your bank account details. ..hope nto hear from you reply me back to my e-mail xxx@xxx.xx
I have completed the transfer online and I have received the approval and transfer confirmation email from them, which they said they have also sent a copy to your email, so check your email and let me know if you received the confirmation. Your payment is already with the Colony Bank and according to the instructions, it will be pending, until you make the shipment and send the proof of shipment to them, to ensure the security on both sides the Colony Bank is handling the transaction by acting as a third party. Make sure you ship the product and send the ( EMS Speed post) tracking number to the Colony Bank as soon as you can, so that they can liberate the payment in your account immediately since the payment has already been debited to my account. I will be expecting your email also as soon as you have done that. One more thing, remember to declare the item as an "Unsolicited gift" when sending, so that there will be no problem with the Customs, just write "Electronic equipment as a gift" in the (EMS Speed post) proforma and other documents that will be given to you.Its my pleasure doing business with you.

Maily od banky :

Dear Marek XXX,

We have received a transfer order placed by our customer to have the sum of ($XXX) transfered to you as payment for an item [ xxxxxxxx ] as successfully processed and has consequently been APPROVED. The financial details of the transaction are stated below:


We have finished all other process of transfering the money into your account. But the Transfered Amount will not be credited into your Bank account until you contact us with the ITEM DESCRIPTION THAT THE TRANSFER IS MADE FOR to be sure that you are the Right owner of the Money and that it is not any form of money laundering,With this we will verify with the item description our Customer made us to believe the transfer is been made.

This is to guide against Crediting an account for Wrong Payment and Cautiousness.
If there is an error in the payment details above, Please we advise that you correct it and contact our Customer/Technical Dept at { }

The Transfered Amount will not be credited into your Bank account if we cannot verify that the Item has been shipped to the buyer from the Courier Service Used and confirming that the item on transit is what you have made us believe the transfer is mean for. The Scan shipment document (Receipt ) gave to you by the Shipment/Freight Company or Tracking Number must be sent to us In order to Protect you the seller and the buyer from Fraud

This will be filed for documentation purposes and unforseen future references that might arise.
If there is an error in the payment details above, Please we advise that you correct it and contact us at ( ) , You can send the SCAN RECEIPT or TRACKING NUMBER stating the TRANSFER NUMBER: SWxxxxxxxxxxKMS as the Subject for easy clarifications.
Note: Your account will be credited immediately upon confirmation of the details required by us moreover our customer cannot abort the transfer after you might have sent the tracking number to us. Thank you for using Colony Bank.
Fillip William's

Dear Customer,
We always put smiles to the face of our customers across the globe to protect them from any form of fraudulent activities and any other sales irregularities.
The buyer of your items contacted us today tell us to release your money to you so that you can been able to ship out,But we are waiting for the shipment details to release your money (Question and Answer) for you to be able to cash your money, so we are still eager you to make the shipment details to us today. We are hoping to received the shipment tracking number from you to verify the genuineness of the transaction between you and ( Dr.Zack ) we have deducted the total amount of USD$850.00 from her account and this amount is still on hold to be transfer to your bank account pending the shipment verification from you which is very important in making the payment credited to your bank account.

We want you to go and send the item with the courier service you agreed with the buyer to use to send the items to her CLIENT and send us the shipment tracking number here with the shipment scan receipt as a major evidence of proof that you have really ship the item out to the Dr.Zack desired shipping address.

The Money Order SM will be Transfer immediately through Colony BankŸ Service but will NOT be Transfer until shipment has been verified. The given order number forthe transferŸ will commence properly as soon as we complete the transfer of your Money. This measure is taken in order to protect both seller and buyer interests and to reduce the occurrence of fraudulent activities. We hope to read from you soon and we awaits to received further inquiries from you regarding this transaction.

Thank you for using Colony Bank Money Transfer. We Look Forward Serving Your Money Transfer More Better In The Nearest Future Time.

Welcome to Colony Bank Online Payment


Osobne tomu vsetkemu rozumiem, ale neverim tomu.

Pravidlá a tipy
  • Každý móže napísať len 1 odpoveď. Neskor mozete svoju odpoveď vylepšiť.
  • Odpoveď má priniesť riešenie na otázku, vyvarujte sa hodnotenia otázky.
  • Odpoveď má byť viac o faktoch ako o názoroch.
Dalšie pravidla a tipy
    Ak potrebujete v otázke niečo upresniť, najskôr sa spýtajte na podrobnosti.
    Koncept slúži na uloženie rozpracovanej odpovede, koncept sa zobrazuje len Vám, až kým ho nezverejníte.
    Ak máte podobnú otázku, založte Novú otázku alebo Súvisiacu otázku.
    ❤ Buďte priateľskí ❤
    Sme súčasťou jednej komunity, ktorá si chce vzájomne pomáhať, rozdieľnosť je vítaná ak neubližuje!
    Usporiadať podľa času

    Chobot je teraz online Chobot

    koleus Pozri príspevok
    Dobry den, prosim Vas surne o radu...

    Na viacero slovenskych portalov som umiestnil inzerat s tym istym vyrobkom.
    Po case sa mi ozval nejaky "Amik" a ponukol mi mi za dany produkt az prehnane vela.
    Poskytol som mu teda svoje cislo uctu a kod banky.
    Dnes mi prisli dva potvrdzujuce maily od jeho on-line banky a mail od neho.
    Vsetko vyzera byt OK, ale neverim tomu a bojim za ze je to podvod.

    Osobne tomu vsetkemu rozumiem, ale neverim tomu.

    Ani tomu never, sú to podvody. Je toho plný internet. Už aj tu bolo niečo podobné:

    Banky nezvyknú takýmto spôsobom (e-mailom) potvrdzovať akreditívy. A povrdenie nejakého depozitu, to ti vyrobí ktokoľvek cez e-mail.

    Inak Bank Colony naozaj existuje v US a nie je to podvodná banka. Skús si nájsť na ich stránke nejaký konktakt a overiť tie e-maily. Myslím, že banka v tom nefiguruje.

    koleus je offline (nepripojený) koleus

    Dakujem za radu.

    Pre istotu som vyckal.
    Ozval sa mi dalsi clovek ktory ponukal este vyssiu suma a "NAHODOU" som mal ten telefon poslat tak isto ako aj v prvom pripade do Nigerie


    Nechapem vsak preco to robia. Keby si to aspon nechali poslat do USA aby z toho nieco mali.

    Este raz, dakujem.

    bettylou je offline (nepripojený) bettylou

    :-)) bettylou
    ano, je to hlupost,
    je v tom liste prilis vela presviedcania,
    banky su konkretnejsie a venuju sa pisaniu udajov nie pisaniu toho ze vysvetluju svoje spravanie.

    Chobot je teraz online Chobot

    koleus Pozri príspevok
    Dakujem za radu.

    Pre istotu som vyckal.
    Ozval sa mi dalsi clovek ktory ponukal este vyssiu suma a "NAHODOU" som mal ten telefon poslat tak isto ako aj v prvom pripade do Nigerie


    Nechapem vsak preco to robia. Keby si to aspon nechali poslat do USA aby z toho nieco mali.

    Este raz, dakujem.
    Možno, že sú práve z Nigérie, nie z USA. A keby dostali balík, ešte k tomu zadarmo, peniaze by si nikdy nevymohol. A kvôli telefónu či notebooku ich žiadna medzinárodná kriminálka hľadať nebude. V Nigérii bude asi mobil alebo notebook dosť lukratívne vec.

    zuzik29 je offline (nepripojený) zuzik29

    lektor aj zuzik29
    Mne chodi vela podobnych mailov, NIKDY NEUDAVAJTE CISLA UCTOV! casto krat nechcu ani ten telefon, ale ucet na zneužitie!!!

    dr.kuko je offline (nepripojený) dr.kuko

    Daňový špekulant dr.kuko
    Ahojte mne sa podarilo naletiet. Poslala som
    "item" co som inzerovala do Canady a prisla tak o moju vec + som zaplatila nie lacnu prepravu cez DHL. Doteraz z toho oni este nic nemaju len ja som prisla o peniaze ale vzapati po 5 dnoch cakania na "uvolnenie penazi od banky" mi prisiel mail ze mam este zaplatit bankove poplatky ktore cinia 90 euro a vraj kupujuci taku istu sumu uz raz zaplatil. Az vtedy som pochopila, ze som naletela na podvod kedze peniaze som mala poslat na nejaky ucet do Nigerie. Takze je to taky pokus niekto si povie ze ked uz do toho vlial prachy tak uz ten bankovy poplatok zaplati a sice bude stratovy ale menej stratovy ako uz je. Je to ale blbost, dalej som uz nesla, chvilu ma to riadne stvalo, prisla som takto o cca 250 euro ale zivot ide dalej a to pes tie peniaze, oni z toho nic nemaju a su aj dolezitejsie veci v zivote.
    Takze len dufam, ze nebude vela takych ako ja a mozno aj tento moj prispevok niekomu pomoze.

    Porady, ktoré by vás mohli zaujímať

    Prihláste sa a sledujte len tie Porady, ktoré Vás zaujímajú.